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Subject: Solar TV Batt Date: Thu Aug 06 2020 08:38 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM> Oh well.  Hope you're feeling better.  And of course the first thing
 BM> just about everyone's mind jumped to on reading "fighting off
 BM> something" was "COVID-19!!" (which is already capitalized...).  Could
 BM> have been a summer cold, allergic reaction, etc.
 NB> Still dunno what it was, other than possibly too much heat....
 NB> almost definitely not Covid.... SOW, I get to be tested later
 NB> this month, before having a gastroscopy on the 20th....

Possibly a reaction from too much and too continuous heat, maybe in  conjunction
with fighting off a tiny infection at the same time.  Your  gastropic look-see
provides a good excuse to be checked.

 BM> Our heat advisory 'broke' last night: some relatively noisy
 BM> thunderstorms.  This morning a nice 67° -- ahh! open up for a bit!
 BM> <check outside> Bleah!!  89% humidity!
 NB> Yeah, the humidity can certainly be a spoiler... We're finally
 NB> having a few really nice days... the window's been open all day
 NB> today... relatively dry and only 73°.... :)
The past few days have been nice: woke up to the mid-fifties this 
morning and the last two days!  High temp's not too bad: barely into the
80's.  This weekend to be warmer but potentiallty stormy.  ...My Mother 
in southern NH just missed the hurricane: she got some heavier rain but 
the really bad stuff was just north.

 BM>> The ones left are mainly Raspberry Pi's - some "small computers"
 BM>> (though some doing big jobs).  Some might automatically take on the new
 BM>> address when rebooted, a couple I know have static addresses so those
 BM>> will have to be manually updated.  Not going to be today as Autumn
 BM>> coming shortly, though may do a bit of preparing.
 NB>> Plenty to keep you busy...  :)
 BM> Can't say too often "I'm bored!". <g>
 NB> No, I guess not... not with that long to-do list that But Firsts
 NB> keep jumping ahead of.... <G>

Yup. %)  All the computers have been updated.  The subject had something
about solar-powered TV so may as well get a little into that a sort of 
flows here with multiple projects.  The solar aspect isn't quite 
working, at least with the solar panel and placement I experimented.  
(CYA aside: not saying solar doesn't work, just not working the way I'm 
doing it.)  In the mean time using an old UPS which had failed: charges 
the battery but no output.  Original consideration was keep the charging
part and remove the rest.  Ends up "the rest' is a transformer but that
transformer apparently powers the charging circuit.  Ended up taking all
of the 'guts out' battery is now charged by a small trickle charger; 
added a 12 volt buck/boost circuit board to keep the voltage to the TV  constant
(charger outputs about 14 volts, in use the battery will 
discharge to 9 maybe 8 volts so build that back up.  

Had a USB charging board 'in stock' but a little low on the current
capabilities; had ordered a 'stronger' one but that wasn't due in until
September; was going to use the weaker/in stock one.  Would have been 
sort of a connector hanging out as different mount from the better one. 
Good news is the better one came a month early - mounted that connected,
need to do some soldering but ran out of time.

 BM>> For the base price of $35 almost can't go wrong -- if of interest, of
 BM>> course!  Probably closer to $100 if need to purchase the wall wart,
 BM>> video cable, case.  Can connect to a TV or monitor, usually have one
 BM>> or the other.  USB keyboard and mouse - I had old spares....
 NB>> Not something I'm interested in... and so far as I know, Richard's
 NB>> not been tempted by it yet... ;)  But I do keep seeing people wax
 NB>> enthusiastic about them.... ;)
 BM> As always all depends one needs, wants and desires. :)  I think to me
 BM> the Raspberry Pi was of interest because of its compactness: could
 BM> place it where a computer would not fit.  The WiFi option also solved
 BM> some cable-running problems.
 NB> So there were definite benefits for you.... :)

Yes.  Had used a couple of the older Raspberry Pi's for MythTV -- worked
fine if plugged in (Ethernet) but choppy when wireless.  Current model 
(4) changed the circuit board wiring for WiFi and removed a few things
throttling the speed - now works!  Probably helps the processor is a 
little bit fast too. :)

 BM>>>> In this instance specifically is a recipe for chocolate pie which has
 BM>>>> been passed down at least two generations.  No size as far as ounces
 BM>>>> for the evaporated milk other than "one small can", and so the rest of
 BM>>>> the ingredients have not changed.  It also appears the consistency and
 BM>>>> flavour alters with the brand, even with the correct/original amount:
 BM>>>> once years ago substituted a house brand of evaporated milk and "close
 BM>>>> but not right".
 NB>>>> In that case, one needs the original (and has to hope that the
 NB>>>> formulation doesn't get changed along the line) brand, and probably
 NB>>>> some research is in order to figure out what the size of the original
 NB>>>> can was... and then one would have to buy probably a larger can, or
 NB>>>> two current small cans, and put in just the right amount....
 BM>>> Yes, probably will be the research option to find what the original
 BM>>> small can size was.  It seems the small can option has been
 BM>>> discontinued and only what was the medium and large sizes are now being
 BM>>> sold.
 NB>>> All the more reason to do the research, and note in the recipe what
 NB>>> the original ounces were....
 BM>> Good excuse to teach 'the cook' how to do research via Google, etc.!
 NB>> Possibly... ;)
 BM> So far no, but then no chocolate pie either.  It's more of a cool/cold
 BM> weather treat (though maybe that has something to do with constant stirring
 BM> over a cast iron pan! <g>).
 NB> I'd guess that constant stirring would be much more bearable when
 NB> it was cool, for sure...!  ;)

Over a cast iron skillet on a gas flame - yes!

 BM>>>> Hopefully another grocery chain will take over that property.
 BM>>>> Location for us was handy to "grab a few things".  Also is/was the
 NB> only BM>>>> major-sized grocery store in this part of town.
 NB>>>> Depends on what might be looking for a toe-hold... ;)  Hopefully you
 NB>>>> get something good, so you can still have your handy place to go...
 BM>>> A lot of "it depends".  I haven't heard any noises of grocery stores
 BM>>> interested in building in this part of town, and I would guess the
 BM>>> various expenses associated with COVID-19 may have put expansion
 BM>>> considerations on hold.
 NB>>> If they use the existing building, it might not be that big a deal to
 NB>>> move into the area....  :)
 BM>> Right.  My guess is the shelving would be removed and re-used in other
 BM>> Schnuck's stores but refrigerated cases probably staying because of
 BM>> the refrigeration lines.  As long as properly moth-balled and not left
 BM>> idle too long seems like could be re-used.
 NB>> One would hope...
 BM> I haven't heard anything more one way or the other.  Their shelves are
 BM> getting bare.
 NB> Until they finally officially close their doors, perhaps nothing
 NB> else can be done for replacing them....

Possibly.  Guess it's just wait and see.  

 BM>> Pretty much same when I shop and have several at Hy-Vee.  Last week
 BM>> bought 15 containers of Yoplait yogurt (real good sale + coupon off
 BM>> five) and they were all packed together in a double plastic bag.  At
 BM>> home I separate them into a plastic bag with five each, so used one of
 BM>> the double bags and one from another package.  "Five" is the magic
 BM>> number as generally have one a day (even when worked) - sometimes skip
 BM>> a day.  When out up here bring up another bag from the basement
 BM>> refrigerator.
 NB>> A three week supply, then... ;)
 BM> And then two more weeks' worth yesterday (10)!  Had two weeks' worth stored
 BM> in the basement refrigerator and so normally would not have purchased more
 BM> yet but they had Yoplait on sale for 39¢ each (normally 69¢) plus $1 off
 BM> 10, so down to 29¢ each.
 NB> Couldn't pass up a deal like that.... <G>

And now down to two containers in the refrigerator so time to buy more. 
This week's ad has Yoplait on sale again (yea!) just not the fantastic 
sale the 15 one was (boo!).  Back on the good news side there is a
digital coupon for buy five get 50¢ off.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Used to work as a tailor but I just wasn't suited for it. 
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