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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Thu Aug 06 2020 07:59 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> I don't know most: "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and so a few get all
 BM> the news.  Those few can create a lot of damage and distress for
 BM> the others.  As for the fireworks, unless pretty much next door can't
 BM> for- certain identify their location for the police to handle (at
 BM> minimum a noise complaint); I nd;t know what I'd do in your situation.

  My Dad always said that. Yet, the media is awfully biased...but that's
a topic for the political echoes. <G>

  What is "nd';t" ?? I guess fat fingered censors didn't want you to
type "don't". Or, are you using secret codes?? <G>

 DS> the restroom at a time. All I can think of is the video in the
 DS> zoo, where the orangutang (sp?) is swinging and banging on the
 DS> door, and making horrid noises. The caption is "When you have to
 DS> go potty, and the person inside is taking their time". :P

 BM> <chuckle>  Sub-captions could be "don't wait until the last minute" and
 BM> "plan ahead".

  Really. Yet, nature tends to call at the most inopportune time.
In the early years of my marriage, when I had numerous IBS attacks,
I obviously was "on the throne" much of the time (although some would
say I was full of [poop] anyway). But, my wife asked "We might as well
bring your computer and the TV in spend so much of your
day here". That's like the T-Shirt she got done for me right before 
she died. On the front, it said "WARNING!! KLUTZ ON THE LOOSE!!". On
the back, it said "DANGER!! ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!!". 

  Nice to have the spouse so supportive. <G>

 BM> The morning nes reported 53° out there this morning!  That was at the
 BM> Quad City International Airport about 10 miles south of the house; the
 BM> Davenport Municipal Airport was reporting 57° -- which was almost the
 BM> 'hot spot' on the regional map.  Supposed to warm up to the low- and
 BM> mid-80's next week.

  Wonder if that's a harbinger of winter?? We'll hear the wooly worm
outlooks, and other folklore deals soon enough.

 BM> ... You were expecting still another smartaleck message here today?
 DS>   I tried that approach with my late wife, when I told her that
 DS> "my head is so far up my butt, that I can see my throat". Without
 DS> missing a beat, she quipped "That's why your eyes are brown". <G>

 BM> And the next lines are "wipe you tears".  "Those are tears."

  I would hope so. :P

 BM> ... December 19: Underdog Day

  There's no need to fear...Christmas in 6 days will be here. <G>


... When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.
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