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Subject: Re: Update on HyVee Date: Fri Aug 07 2020 12:29 am
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 11-Jul-2020 09:40 <=-

 NB>> States where things opened too fast and people were being sloppy are
 NB>> indeed having spikes again in their Covid counts.... So far NY is
 NB>> staying the course, and almost fully reopened again.... but there is a
 NB>> fairly good compliance with the safety guidelines that accompany each
 NB>> phase of the openings... Some of it might be overkill, and there is
 NB>> some laxity in total implementation, but overall, most are being
 NB>> careful for themselves and for others' sakes...  :)
 BM>> Good!  There have been slight spikes regionally -- zero deaths in Iowa
 BM>> reported over the weekend and then three reported yesterday (Monday)
 BM>> -- possibly the weekend had something to do with the numbers reporting?
 NB>> Possible.... those are still decent numbers though....
 BM> Unfortunately since then a bit of spike on both sides of the River.
So far ours are continuing to go down, and no deaths for a while... 
hopefully yours are leveling off again...
 BM>> And bet there will be a spike in Rock Island County (IL) as they
 BM>> opened a drive-through COVID-19 test clinic yesterday -- where up to
 BM>> 500 people can be tested per day; those people might not have been
 BM>> tested otherwise and I'd bet a few are going to test positive, so
 BM>> spike!
 NB>> As long as they don't need hospitalization, it's more a getting a
 NB>> better picture of the situation, so not really a spike... :)
 BM> The news had an interview with a higher-level official at the Genesis
 BM> Healthcare System (the one predominating on the Iowa side) and he indicated
 BM> there were enough beds available as nothing major happened
 BM> to the COVID-19 numbers (obviously wasn't phrased that way), and if
 BM> need be would be postponing elective surgeries to open up beds.

Pretty much standard.... As far as I know, procedures and surgeries here
are getting back to normal....
 NB>>> Pretty well set for sweets, true... :)  If there was a sale, or you
 NB>>> had a coupon, that might push the candy higher on the list, but for
 NB>>> now not so needed.... :)
 BM>> Yes: I'm pretty much on the outlook for a decent sale, and the longer
 BM>> it stores the better.  Back to candy more specifically, pretty good at
 BM>> the storage, sufficient room in the cabinet in the basement where cool.
 BM>> ...Was getting some crackers "from the store in the basement" (yes,
 BM>> bought on sale, didn't need when bought but not on sale lately) and
 BM>> saw a box of candy from my Vienna trip last summer.  Tempting!
 NB>> And candy doesn't last forever... it can go stale if you keep it too
 NB>> long...  <G>
 BM> Just another good reason to eat it! 

Exactly.... <G>

 BM> ...There's still a chocolate rabbit from Easter -- he was placed in
 BM> the refrigerator when the weather started getting hot.
Wise... else you'd have a brown puddle.... ;)

 BM>>> The hug does a lot of good!  As long as both healthy and agree to it.
 NB>>> Exactly... and that factored in... both of us quite well, both kinda
 NB>>> ready to take the chance... :)
 BM>> I think the mentally healthier idea is to consider the people one
 BM>> knows as healthy unless know they are/have been recently sick.
 BM>> Strangers -- well "stranger danger" applies!
 NB>> Of course...  :)  And I don't generally go out hugging strangers
 NB>> anyway, even in "normal" times...  :)
 BM> No, normally not.
Mostly depends on the situation.... Something like Daryl's squaredance
club, people aren't considered strangers for long... Out on the street
would be a different situation.... ;)

ttyl         neb

... ///\oo/\\\ Bugs? What bugs? ///\oo/\\\ ///\oo/\\\

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