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Subject: Re: newspaper was: movin Date: Fri Jul 24 2020 05:35 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 05-Jul-2020 11:36 <=-

 NB>> Exactly...  Another good reason as far I am concerned to stay with the
 NB>> known and not be quick to upgrade or change.... in Dos, the most I need
 NB>> do (and that isn't even critical) is to logoff before I turn off the
 NB>> switch... nothing that the computer needs do to shut down cleanly....

 DS> Ah, the days of DOS and Windows 3.x -- when the computer didn't have
 DS> a cow when you turned it off too quick.

You wax nostalgic.... but of course it is still reality for me.... ;)

 NB>> Well, yeah... that's Windows, and Windows is confusing by definition..

 DS> Failure is not an comes shipped with Windows. <G>

Ah... that explains it... ;)
 BM>> Oh, reminds me: half-heard on the news New York, New Jersey and
 BM>> California were considering a quarantine period for visitors to the
 BM>> states?
 NB>> I think the third state was Connecticut, actually....

 DS> I think Arkansas is doing it again now, as well.

I suspect that any state that has things somewhat under control will be
or is quarantining anyone coming into the state from a state where
things are rising again, whether visitors or those returning from visits
to those states.... I still don't really know, other than voluntary
compliance, how that is being enforced, though...

 DS> I don't want to fly on COVID-19 airlines, or ride COVID-19 bus
 DS> lines.

Dunno about the buslines, but from what I hear the airlines have a
pretty good record of not spreading the virus... and have been so
sparcely used that there's plenty of social distancing occuring
naturally... :)

 DS> At least with Amtrak, I could get my own private roomette, and
 DS> feel sort of safe. But, with Amtrak cutting all long distance trains to
 DS> 3 days a week as of October 1, if I can't make connections in Chicago
 DS> on the same day, it's not worth it.
I guess you'll have to wait and see how the schedules work out as the
time comes... :)

ttyl          neb

... I'm not indecisive ... well, I don't think I am.

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