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Subject: Re: Messaging And More Date: Fri Jul 24 2020 05:14 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Daryl Stout

-=> Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 05-Jul-2020 11:12 <=-

 DS>> I'll have to find someone to do it. But, the bank account is a bit
 DS>> anemic right now. I still have the cord.
 NB>> Good... hang onto it... I'd think that the fix would be less expensive
 NB>> than buying a new fan... and possibly not much at all...

 DS> This month, money is tighter than a frog's [butt] underwater. Once I
 DS> get the income tax refund on my late Mom's return, and the insurance
 DS> deal a year after her death, that'll help. However, the majority of it will
 DS> go toward a generator.

A worthy cause... :)

 DS>> I hope so. We like to make those hugs "64 beat moves" <G>.
 NB>> Good long hugs, than... :)

 DS> Unfortunately, the way COVID-19 is going, that may be the death
 DS> knell of the hobby.

Don't be too pessimistic.. this too will most likely pass.... :)
ttyl         neb

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