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Subject: Re: Proper Shutdown Date: Fri Jul 31 2020 10:55 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> You've simply converted your cash assets into food assets.

  If the weather is bad, I don't like to get out. People around here
think they can stop just as fast on a wet, snowy, or icy pavement,
as they can on dry.

 BM> mail I see in the postal service's e-mail is now scheduled to be
 BM> delivered the day following.  (So the mail pictured in Monday's e-mail
 BM> is now delivered on Tuesday instead of that day.)

  And, they wonder why folks are going to DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc.

 DS>   The groping at the airport is the worst. I'm waiting for them
 DS> to strip search everybody. :P

 BM> You'd like that!!

  Only if me and the female agent do it together. <EG>

 BM> (Some cashiers were very good about helping, others thought they were
 BM> too good.)

  Folks came into the world as naked and broke as you and I, and are
going out the same way. See the tagline below.

 BM> I've read part of the 'trick' is to make sure they are dry before being
 BM> fried.  Home tips recommends patting dry with paper towels.  (Plus hot
 BM> oil and water is not a good combination!)  We've been using the air
 BM> baking tray for french fries and tater tots -- and for some reason
 BM> don't have them in summer!

  That hot grease reacts violently to ice or water going into it. I've
considered that air fryer.

 BM> Oh! I remember doing that!  Stab myself on purpose? Are you stupid?!

  Folks think I'm as dumb as I look.

 BM> ... "Can you tell me when my past due amount is due?"
 DS>   You don't know?? :P

 BM> Some people find it easier to ask than look themselves.  OTOH some
 BM> billing statements are confusing.  Telephone bill says it is due by
 BM> August 6, but in the smallish print on page two says it's due by August 10,
 BM> and after August 10 pay a higher amount.  So is it due by the 6th
 BM> or 10th??

  Or they note it's due on August 6, but it may be taken out on July 23.

 BM> And then the have some other amount which is $14.75 less than the
 BM> amount printed as owed....  Heck, now I'm confused!!

  That's how they get their gratuity. <G>


... We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then, it gets worse.
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