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Subject: Re: Support And Scams Date: Fri Jul 31 2020 10:48 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   If gotten by phone, it's a tele-tubby. <G>

 BM> Nah: they are or were on television!

  Never cared for them.

 BM> I was reading an article in the Concord (NH) Monitor's e-mail
 BM> suggesting in some places having an alternate police option would work
 BM> and some small towns and villages would be a good place to experiment
 BM> with and tweak the concept.  I sort of agree: thinking of the TV show
 BM> _Mayberry_ and thigs just worked.  Heck, even Otis the town drunk
 BM> jailed himself. Don't think it would work when get into the towns size:
 BM> people start acting differently.  Even I do: here in the Quad Cities
 BM> open and friendly, pretty much same in Iowa City.  Go to Chicago,
 BM> Boston: don't make eye contact, ignore that person walking towards you.

  That's another reason for me not wanting to travel outside the
state anymore. Too many are offended too easily. I long for the 
days of long ago, when life was simpler, and you didn't have to
worry about locking your doors at night.

 DS> we only pick on and razz the ones we care about.

 BM> Or the ones we can bully.  <ggg>

  Great Gargantuan Grin?? <G>

  Or as Jose' Jalapeno said about his BMW -- but Peanut said it stood
for "Big Mexican Woman". :P

 BM> Yes, as long as everyone agrees the paper or number in the budget has a
 BM> value I guess we're OK.  No longer backed up by anything other than a
 BM> we say so.

  Nowadays, the money isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

 BM> I'd split.  ...I never played the lottery other than when won or
 BM> otherwise given tickets but when I was working the prizes were
 BM> sometimes approaching a billion and that does spark an inkling of
 BM> consideration. For some reason did think if I won I would give my
 BM> fellow employees a thousand dollars each.  (Not even a hundred, and
 BM> over the years dwindled down.)  I'd still have plenty of money left,
 BM> and the thousand dollars could do quite a bit to yank some out of their
 BM> financial holes.

  I've lost more than I've won in the lottery, and usually just did the
scratch off tickets. If I can't beat the games on the BBS, what makes me
think I'll beat them in real life??

 BM> I'll pretty much be staying home: nothing really to go out there for.
 BM> I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning (routine check); usually
 BM> go to the grocery store afterwards but half-thinking might skip this
 BM> week: don't really need anything; will see what's in the ad.

  Wednesday has been "shot" with medical stuff...pun intended. I've
been getting a weekly testosterone shot (my levels would be crashing
otherwise, as the testapel pellents are back ordered for at least
another 2-4 weeks), and a monthly B-12 shots. With the shoulders
hurting from the arthritis, the gleute (butt cheek/hip) is the

 BM> We've been getting some rain, which is somewhat unusual as summers tend
 BM> to be dry.  (Still time for that!)

  Severe weather was in the state overnight, with rain and storms this
morning...but storms have stayed to my south.

 BM> ... Useless Invention: Waterproof teabags.

  It goes with this item...


... Useless invention: Electric banana straightener.
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