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Subject: Re: FiberOptic semi-follow-up Date: Fri Jul 31 2020 05:11 pm
From: Nancy Backus To: Barry Martin

-=> Quoting Barry Martin to Nancy Backus on 09-Jul-2020 08:41 <=-

 NB>> But yes, I know what you mean about typing things out can get the
 NB>> brain working... and I'm used to being used as a sounding board even
 NB>> for things I have no clue about....  :)
 BM> As I mentioned some time before, sometimes the act of me explaining
 BM> (verbally or typing) the situation/prject forces me to think
 BM> differently: I have to describe something the other person has little
 BM> to no clue about.  And even if they do know a little bit the explaining
 BM> at their level requires a thinking at a different level to create the
 BM> explanation.  So actually a compliment to person being the
 BM> soundingboard by the original person: the belief is soundingboard
 BM> person can be brought up to speed on the subject quickly and provide input.
 BM> ;) 

Or even if there isn't any actual input, the rethinking on your part
might give some input anyway...  ;) 
 BM>> And I had sort of found out from the second technician (the one who
 BM>> only had to install the router but his work ticket said a full install)
 BM>> they only have five hours of training.  Sort of makes sense: for that
 BM>> particular job "all" they do is string the fiber optic drop from the
 BM>> pole to the house, plug the fiber optic drop in to the box at the pole
 BM>> and the box on the side of the house, run another cable inside,
 BM>> connect that to another box inside...  Maybe the first tech had to go
 BM>> to the rest room at this point and missed the part about the router, or
 BM>> with a single computer it works but multiple like I have it needs that
 BM>> router.
 NB>> And maybe there were a lot of picky specifics that were only in the
 NB>> written handouts, and not part of the actual lectures... or they were
 NB>> mostly videos, and the techs tended to zone out... ;)
 BM> Possible!  Classroom troubleshooting scenarios are somewhat difficult
 BM> to create, though mine with a disconnecting Ethernet line seems easy
 BM> enough.  I'm not coming up with an easy way to forget about an entire
 BM> device (the Router).  Oh well, it's running quite nicely now. :)  And
 BM> the bill was adjusted to start from the Friday it properly connected
 BM> not the previous Monday of the installation.

Good that it is properly running now... and that they gave you a credit
for the time it wasn't quite...  :)
 BM>> Not putting them down but there's a lot of details one learns even as
 BM>> a hobbyist for over fifty years as opposed to a five hour classroom
 BM>> session.  ...Even if a fifty hour class.  Basically the three of us
 BM>> needed each other and worked together to get it done.
 NB>> And as you say, your setup was probably not the standard one, with
 NB>> your multitude of computers, as opposed to just the one that many
 NB>> people have.... ;)
 BM> I suppose,  Was thinking a lot of people might not have a
 BM> stuck-in-one-place computer but a lot of laptops, tablets. and other
 BM> wireless devices.  ...Which probably would have connected to the
 BM> originally-installed gateway device! Thanks!  You just explained why
 BM> the first technician wouldn't have thought it odd not to install a
 BM> Router! 
Just a slightly different perspective... ;)
 BM>>> Next step is to check if my fix gave me high-speed Internet!
 NB>>> And had it...?
 BM>> Yup! Ky gave me a test site: have 200 Mbps symetrical service.  The
 BM>> test showed 204 Mbps d/l and around 150 Mbps u/l.  With symmetrical the
 BM>> latter should also be in the 200 range but not going to whine about
 BM>> that: I could have easily screwed up the test as one isn't supposed to
 BM>> be running other stuff while the test is being conducted.  With DSL I
 BM>> could see when Pandora was updating the music as there was a slight
 BM>> slowdown with the test charting.
 NB>> Then I guess it's been worth it to upgrade to fiber...  ;)
 BM> In the interim I had uploaded a 'ton' of pictures -- with DSL would
 BM> have taken about 15-20 minutes; fiber optic took maybe two.  (I should
 BM> say the DSL service available to me was either 7 or 10 Mbps d/l and
 BM> something like 870 Kbps u/l.  Ther are faster DSL services but I can't
 BM> get them.)

Definitely worth it for you then.... ;)

ttyl        neb

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