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Subject: Isolation Dia Date: Thu Jul 30 2020 08:23 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM> Good Grief!  Only 8 a.m. and already 81° out there!!
 NB> Didn't bode well for the rest of the day...!

Don't recall what that day's weather ended up being but we have had some
air = 90°+, heat index = 100°+ days.  Went out last night (had Autumn in
the morning/early afternoon, too hot and humid in the latter half of the
afternoon) -- worked up a sweat just weeding!

 BM>>> It's officially 83° outside currently and the neighbour a few houses
 BM>>> down is having their roof replaced.  Yesterday two neighbours the
 BM>>> block behind us were having their roofs replaced.  ...May not be the
 BM>>> high but did get to at least 82° yesterday.  Today supposed to get to
 BM>>> 90°.
 NB>>> I guess one shouldn't be too unhappy about the heat... it is summer
 NB>>> now, after all...
 BM>> Right.  This morning was a we-should-open-the-windows-for-a-while 68°.
 BM>> Quickly decided against that by looking at the next line: 94%
 BM>> humidity! Supposed to be in the low 90's later today (Saturday, June
 BM>> 27) and the next several days.
 NB>> Yeah, that humidity would be a killer.... Meanwhile, we enter a heat
 NB>> advisary tomorrow (Tues 7th) afternoon, until Friday (10th) evening at
 NB>> 8... Temps in the mid to high 90s, heat indices possible over 100°....
 NB>> not my idea of fun... Night lows only getting into the lower 70s,
 NB>> too... Fortunately, there's nothing scheduled this week for going out
 NB>> until Saturday, when the high is "only" in the mid 80s.....
 BM> Ahhhh!!  Coooollllllll!!!  As I said in an earlier message we've got
 BM> the hot'n'humid currently and should break on Thursday and last the
 BM> weekend. Then there's next week....
 NB> This whole month has been mostly heat advisories with a few
 NB> breaks with highs only in the mid-80s... not been functioning all
 NB> that well, as you may have noticed from my erratic messagings....

There were a couple of days I felt mentally sluggish.  Was dog-panting 
hot 'n' humid outside, pretty much stayed inside -- numerically the  temperature
and humidity normal inside but something wasn't qute right.

 BM>> Looks to have!  I had a problem with one of my REP sets but I think it
 BM>> was a 'bad finger routine' on my end: didn't give the right commands
 BM>> as I'm not used to doing an upload and then download together -- had
 BM>> finished the day previous' packet that morning, so upload then
 BM>> download. I don't see the confirmation listing during the upload as the
 BM>> machine goes on to the next step too quickly -- have to scroll back but
 BM>> had done the download so the scroll buffer didn't have the REP portion
 BM>> any longer.  Something just didn't seem quite right so kept the old
 BM>> REPs, added a 'may be a duplicate' and re-inserted them later.
 NB>> And, if I recall correctly, that set turned out NOT to be
 NB>> duplicated...
 BM> Right -- not sure what went wrong here, just some step didn't get done
 BM> and since didn't feel right redid.
 NB> Generally good to trust your gut... especially if no easy way to
 NB> verify one way or the other.... ;)

Yes -- twice is better than none. 

 BM>> Yes, and maybe that REP episode above is another example.  I don't
 BM>> recall seeing anything but it didn't seem right.  Or the Data LED
 BM>> being off on the fiber optic modem -- the tech didn't seem to mind and
 BM>> one interpretation of the manual's statement would seem to make it OK,
 BM>> but....
 NB>> Never hurts to pay attention when your mind is trying to tell you
 NB>> something isn't quite right...  ;)
 BM> Yes.  Since i was the one who unplugged the cable years ago maybe I
 BM> remembered, just not actively.  And another part of figuring out the puzzle
 BM> was how to test the cable -- 'laptop' seems obvious but that obviousness
 BM> got covered up slightly as usually I use wirelessly.  All turned out well.
 BM> :)
 NB> And as they say, all's well that ends well...  ;)

Yup. :)   

 BM>>> Yes, and the plan could be to open and some event occur effecting
 BM>>> last-minute changes.  ...At this point I'd be thinking "it's back to
 BM>>> school" but also make considerations for home-schooling.
 NB>>> One thing we've all learned... be ready with contingency plans... ;)
 BM>> Definitely!  There have been announcements on this week's news of
 BM>> various school districts on both sides of the River having meetings/
 BM>> virtual meetings to discuss various options, what worked, what didn't,
 BM>> what sort of did and so needs tweaking.
 NB>> Good that they seem to be on top of things...  :)
 BM> Yes.  I haven't been paying attention enough to know what the progress
 BM> is.
 NB> After all, at the moment, you have no real need to pay
 NB> attention... :)

I've been lightly monitoring and that's about it -- enough to answer a 
few "what do you think about this option" type question.  So far appears
there will be two groups of students, first half of the alphabet and 
second half by surname, and Week 1 one group will have in-person class 
Monday and Tuesday, at-home (virtual) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.  Week
2 same group will be virtual M and Tu, in-person W, Th, F.  The second 
group will have the mirrored schedule.  

Masks and social distancing required.  There was also something about 
how breakfasts and lunches would be done -- no self-service, IIRC they 
weren't eating in the cafeteria but in class to contain the groups, 
social distancing, etc.  

I don't recall how recess, etc., were being conducted.

What's sort of funny/a shame is the school Autumn is attending was just
constructed - literally: it was built over the last two years and opened
last January.  Quite sure it has had to be remodelled already to deal 
with the COVID-19 requirements.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Odd English: The people who followed the Lord were called 12 opossums.
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