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Subject: Health was: N Date: Thu Jul 30 2020 08:23 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>>> Gradually things all go back to more normal.... ;)
 BM>> Yes. :)   I also didn't notice any signage restricting meat sale
 BM>> quantities.  Did buy ten pork chops on sale, had them bundle in two's,
 BM>> so five packages and no Red Flags -- even got 10% off because they
 BM>> were running a meat counter sale (pre-packaged not on sale).
 NB>> Nice deal... :)  Only limit signs I saw Friday were on the health
 NB>> supplies... but there finally were nitrile gloves back on the
 NB>> shelf... :)
 BM> Good!  And I haven't paid any attention to the glove supply -- what
 BM> I/we do doesn't require to be gloved and if so hand sanitizer is an
 BM> acceptable substitute.
 NB> We've been watching for others, mostly... we do have a decent
 NB> supply for ourselves.... They are useful when applying capsaisin
 NB> cream, to avoid having it on the hands afterwards....
"Why am I sneezing when I put my hand close to my face after Mrs. 
Vandeloo's session?"  At HyVee the paper products seems to be close to 
normal: some small holes which seem to indicate a supply issue rather
than mass sales.  Same for gloves and cleaning products.  Tons of hand sanitizer
-- LIS there are endcap baskets at the registers.  Did notice 
soap seems to be spotty: have been looking to replace a liquid hand  
soap and the one I thnik I'm interested in has been out for a couple of
weeks.  There are other options but sort of liking the price on this one
- hopefully worth the wait!  Bar soap also seems to be having a supply

 NB>>>> And one never knows when inspiration will strike...  :)
 BM>>> That's why the note pad and pen in the bedside table!
 NB>>> Just in case.... ;)
 BM>> I have used the bedside notes a few times lately -- last night had an
 BM>> 'inspiration': as have to change/notify as getting rid of my Q,Mail
 BM>> account (DSL) may as well 'sort' somewhat to my various e-mail
 BM>> accounts.
 NB>> So you decided which should go where, then....?
 BM> Have gone with the 'some sorting' option: so while updating from most
 BM> have gone to MyMetronet.NET but a few did get 'sorted' to
 BM> different e-mail accounts.
 NB> Now is the obvious time to be making overall changes... ;)

Right.  And appears I have uncovered a few technical issues: one site I 
could see where to change: click 'edit'? No, does nothing.  Highlight my
old address?  No.  Try to delete?  No.  ...Came back a day or two later, figured
maybe maintenance issues locking.  Same.  Contact customer 
support; she can't change/has the same problems, elevates it to their 

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... The nicest thing about the future is it always starts tomorrow.
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