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Subject: aunt was: Mis Date: Thu Jul 30 2020 08:23 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM>> Yes.  Assume it's still there -- haven't needed to go.  One
 BM>> consideration to move is the hospital campus it's on is now dedicated
 BM>> to cancer treatment and ....something else which isn't coming to mind.
 NB>> I get a DEXA scan every two years, to monitor things ongoing.... My
 NB>> next one is coming up in December... ;)  They probably have no real
 NB>> need to move your machine, no matter how hospital usage changes.... ;)
 BM> Right: even though the campus is generally dedicated to a few
 BM> specialities the building is separate and small and probably more or
 BM> less dedicated to it's 'thing' - didn't pay attention to what else was
 BM> inside the few times I was there.
 NB> After all, you had no need to notice anything else... and long
 NB> enough ago that things might have changed since then, anyway... ;)

Yes, has been several years and things do change!  I guess the good news
is I haven't needed to be checked again, nor anyone I know.

 NB>> My experience has been second-hand, with people I know dealing with
 NB>> things like that... And the way the offices have been handling things
 NB>> has indeed evolved as the crisis has continued... Were you to go now,
 NB>> no doubt there would be masking and barriers along with the fever
 NB>> warning signs.... :)
 BM> They're wearing masks and behind plexiglass barriers.  ...Of course
 BM> "just because" there are barriers doesn't mean the little coronavirus
 BM> nasties can't travel through the paperwork pass-throughs and spaces
 BM> around the barriers, so the masks are still needed.
 NB> It's all designed just to slow down possible transmission, not
 NB> expected to stop it entirely... ;)

Right.  Amd around here masks are being more and more required or at
least strongly encouraged in public places where social distancing isn't  always

 BM>>> Did do an inquiry last night to try to find out what's going on and
 BM>>> 'shake the tree' a little.  Too early to have a response.
 NB>>> Murphy strikes again....
 BM>> Uh-huh!  In hind-sight I'm thinking maybe I did have fiber optic
 BM>> service as I never did see that red light the tech mentioned.  He told
 BM>> me about it outside before leaving, and then I went downstairs to see.
 BM>> The LEDs on looked green to me, but then so can some yellow ones look
 BM>> greenish. Big enough should pick up red.  Well, he said....  In
 BM>> hindsight maybe the master system needed a few more minutes to realize
 BM>> I was connected?
 NB>> Possible... :)
 BM> So the good news is appears everything is working properly.  Uploaded
 BM> a bunch of pictures of Autumn I took and was soooo nice not to have to take
 BM> a half hour to upload!
 NB> Very good...!  :)
And right now for only a little bit more than what I was paying for the 
DSL.  Darn phone bill is confusing!  OK, I'm paying $x for telephone 
service, and $y for DSL, but then there's lines and lines and lines of 
taxes and fees and this recovery fee and sometimes they throw in a line 
with a credit -- seems like all those little fees add up to almost what 
the phone service costs!

Good news is (so far) with the DSL it's a fee for the service, a $10
'technology fee' (nobody seems to know what it is - isn't the gateway 
and router) and the tax on the fee.

 BM>> In the interim there should be a post about a follow-up tech four days
 BM>> later and everything is all nice now.  Well, a few 'headaches' because
 BM>> of the new LAN IP addressing (went from 192.168.0.x  to  192.168.4.x)
 BM>> - 'major' computers updated, 'minor' ones to be done.
 NB>> The downside of having all those working computers.... ;)
 BM> Everything has at least two viewpoints!
 NB> At least....  <G>
Just about everything has been behaving.  For some reason one Raspberry 
Pi on wireless is having problems connecting and it's waiting it's turn
in line to get checked.  (Rebooting didn't correct.)  

 BM>> ... Her last birthday cake looked like a prairie fire!
 NB>> That could be a good reason to start using number candles... ;)
 BM> I think I've been hanging around with Daryl too long: thinking of the
 BM> thirty year old Roman prostitute's candles: XXX.
 NB> Hmmm.... could be..... <G>  I was just thinking of the arabic
 NB> numbers from 1 to 0.... ;)

Weird thought -- imagine Romans doing multiplication: "What is XXX x 
XXX?".   All those x's is the initial joke, but converting the letters?!

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Pi is about 3.14, but why mathematicians never worked out value of cake? ---
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