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Subject: Various Things Date: Thu Jul 30 2020 09:07 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Nancy Backus


 NB> Our (wireless) alarm system also uses a cell phone to communicate with
 NB> Central Monitoring instead of using our phone line... but there's lots
 NB> of good reasons to keep the basic phone system analog....

  I've got ADT here, and have been a customer of theirs for years. They switched
the deal from analog to cellular to notify them automatically
if power goes out, and an event occcurs. There is a battery backup that
keeps the system going for at least 24 hours. If I can get a generator
this fall, that'll be less of a concern, as I'll be able to keep power
almost non-stop. Any outages will only be 15 seconds or less, before
the generator realizes what has happened, and it kicks in. The BBS may
be down if the internet feed goes out, but I have UPS devices on all
the computers.

 NB> That can backfire, though... saving a little money isn't worth having major
 NB> issues from not taking necessary meds....

  This is true...but sometimes, I get so busy, I forget to take them.
I like to take them with meals, but would prefer to take most of them
on an empty stomach.

 DS> I don't even want to go to a tennis court to fight over love.
 DS> Hmmm... that could be worked into a tagline. <G>

 NB> Um... we aren't talking family or divorce court, but the court for settling
 NB> estates....  :)   And in tennis, love means nothing... ;)

  This is true. I had to get a lawyer after Janice died, to take care
of her assets, since she didn't have a will. Thankfully, both my Mom
and Dad had a will, so probate court was avoided. In her case, all of
her assets had to go into paying the nursing home bill. The "final
check" of the insurance should be here in about a month, but the main
deal for me will be to get a generator.

  I'd like to take that one final train trip next June, but from what
I hear, with Amtrak greatly reducing services...and I don't want to
fly, take the bus, or drive, my travel outside of central Arkansas
may be over.


... 3 kinds of people: those who can count, & those who can't
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