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Subject: Support And Scams Date: Thu Jul 23 2020 11:29 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   You need to get some Viagra for your hard drive. Besides,
 DS> Windows does have LONG file names, as of Windows 95. <G>
 BM> No problems here: it boots with a SOLID State Drive.
 DS>   That's what the electronics are nowadays, instead of tubes. :P
 DS>   I hope I don't have to go down that road.

You don't wan't to because a 'tube' is a subway so unless you're the 
engineer you don't want to be driving!

 BM> Right.  I'm thinking no way to prove a recording was made, much less
 BM> kept and so available.
 DS>   They do make that for the 911 calls.

True, but there's a difference between 911 calls and those to customer  service.

 DS>   Years ago, the term SERVICE meant something. But, nowadays,
 DS> SERVICE, etc. seem to have little meaning.
 BM> Oh, the IRS will serve you! <g>  We've had pretty good results with the
 BM> Postal Service.  Customer Service -- that one can be dicey.
 DS>   I'm still waiting on the tax refund for my late Mom's return.
 DS> It was filed electronically, but I think it was filed in early
 DS> June (they had extended the deadline to July 15).

Hopefully you receive the refund soon.  Might have to have a few extra 
checks because of the nature of the refund: going to a different person, 
death of the individual, etc. -- want to make resonably certain is legit
and correct.

 DS> "We've been trying to reach you about your auto warranty
 DS> insurance". <CLICK!> is my response.
 BM> Yup: various warranties for cars, computers.  Noticed the last week or
 BM> so the e-mail Junk Mail Folders have exploded; this on top of the junk mail
 BM> being automatically shuttled to Junk Land.
 DS>   Doesn't surprise me...especially in relation to "how to spend
 DS> your COVID-19 stimulus".

Did have a few of those -- more or less the underlying "you've got 
'extra' money, spend it wisely on me!".

 BM> They probably won't -- the height here is before citations start to be
 BM> issues is 10".
 DS>   The refund came in, but I'll have some more breathing room with
 DS> the tax refund. Yet, with thunderstorms forecast much of the rest
 DS> of the week, I don't want him mowing with a threat of
 DS> lightning...and it's hard to mow wet grass.

Hmm: sticky-up mass of semi-reasonably conductive protoplasm, pushing 
around a metal mass....  Good thing wearing sneakers and the lawn mover 
has rubber wheels!!

 BM> The problem wasn't stupidity but a shortage of coins.  Plus passing
 BM> money (bills and coins) back and forth is just another was to
 BM> potentially pass on the coronavirus (or other illness).  I'm thinking
 BM> except for the legal requirment of needing to accept currency it would have
 BM> been banned during the pandemic.
 DS>   They've been talking about taking pennies out of circulation
 DS> for years. And, the ultimate goal is "a cashless society".

Right on both, though not the reason behind the coin shortage.  I find
it easier to use a credit card for purchases over paying cash or writing
a check; OTOH I don't just stop at the corner convenience store and buy
a pop (soda).  OTOH if I'm planning on going to a street fest or
day-trip I'll take more cash and change with me (I do carry a little
cash with me as a matter of course).

 DS> notice on the BBS that "Doors Are For Amusement Only -- You Can
 DS> NOT Win Money. Your only reward is if you make the top score
 DS> bulletins".
 BM> Yeah... people expect money for nothing, ...and the chimps are free.
 BM> (That mis-heard lyric just screamed 'type me!'!!)
 DS>   Chimps or chips?? See the tagline below.

Might be 'chips'.  "Chips are free" make make more sense if interpreting
as monay (thinking chips at a casino).  Still the wrong hearing but does 
add interest!

 DS>   I haven't used the sprinkler system here in ages, and the water
 DS> main for that was turned off long ago.
 BM> The only automated watering system here was an attempt at making a
 BM> soaker from an old hose: drill small holes every so often.  Section closest
 BM> to the water entry would drizzle water if low enough pressure
 BM> but the middle and far end was essentially dry.  If increase pressure
 BM> to get to the end then the near part was too much and digging out the dirt.
 DS>   We've had so much rain, the grass is growing like weeds.

Tuesday morning we had two torrential downpours -- only amounted to 
about a half-inch (would have guessed a lot more).  I was driving friend
to an appointment on the Illinois side -- originally he was going to be  driving
and I the co-pilot as not familiar with the route, plus two sets
of eyes for the detours due to the I-74 Bridge construction is easier 
and less confusion.  Night before was "do you mind driving?"  Afterwards
he said during the downpours he couldn't have seen to drive -- I was in 
the right-most lane so used the side as a guide.

BTW the car's nice and clean thanks to Mother Nature's Turbo Car Wash!

 DS>   Governor Asa Hutchinson signed an Executive Order, effective
 DS> July 20, that MASKS ARE REQUIRED in public places. My guess is
 DS> the only place they won't enforce it, is inside your domicile,
 BM> Not a public place.
 DS>   That may be next. I guess they'll tell us what toilet paper to
 DS> use, and how much we should excrete. :P

The latter would be going too far; former a possibility as could
restrict what is sold and how much.  To me would be creating all sort of
civil disobedience issues.

 DS> with other family members. Besides, it does no good to wear it if
 DS> taking a bath or a shower. If someone asks me if I took a bath or
 DS> shower, I ask them "Why?? Is There One Missing??". <G>
 BM> I aked if they were going to return it before they took my temperature!
 DS>   As noted earlier, at least it wasn't rectally. :P

Please be certain the parking brake is set before we check your

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

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