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Subject: Masks And Locations Date: Thu Jul 23 2020 11:29 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> Yes, if your brother has no set sleeping schedule there's a good
 BM> possibility of you calling when he is sleeping -- the Never Fails
 BM> Dep't. As for bringing up the cutting back, bring up when flows with
 BM> the conversation, and maybe more as an option: "what would happen if
 BM> you...".  Possibly as a joke lead-in: "I'm tired 'cause I had to pee
 BM> every hour 'cause of all the beer"  ...<small talk...> "Hey I know how
 BM> to fix that: drink less!"
 DS>   Well, I have nocturia, but that comes from drinking over a half
 DS> gallon of green tea a day.

Could take an antidiuretic which woul defeat the purpose of all that

 DS>   I slept better last night than I did the night before, but I'm
 DS> groggy as all get if I took an Ibuprofen toward sunrise.
 DS> But, with all that liquid, the colon is on overdrive as
 DS> least I have plenty of toilet paper (TMI)...but, the tagline
 DS> below applies to all of us.
<moved tagline up>
 DS> ... We all have to go sometime. Where's the toilet??

Why am I visualizing a funeral with the deceased on a toilet and the 
widow saying "he looks so natural"?!

 BM> That is what they forget: some things (a lot of things!) are a
 BM> privilege and not a right.  The Miranda statement should probably be
 BM> rephrased from "you have the right to an attorney at no charge"
 BM> [paraphrasing] to "you have the privilege to an attorney at no charge".
 DS>   Really. It's also as if people feel they have a "right" to go
 DS> to Heaven, and do what they want...but it's actually a
 DS> "privilege"...and how to enter is so simple. Hint: Your good
 DS> deeds don't cut the mustard, or stir the mayo.

There are no rights to anything.  What we consider as 'rights' are 
privileges earned for doing the right thing.

 BM> I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
 DS>   Does the girdle fit?? Of corset does. <G>
 BM> Had a side-note on baseball: there was a squeeze play.
 DS>   I've been wondering WHO (he's on first) was the player in right
 DS> field. :P

Probably something like 'Lefty'!

According to this site the position isn't listed.

                         »                     «
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