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Subject: weather Date: Mon Jul 20 2020 09:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS> the pavement of blacktop/asphalt started melting.
 BM>   The asphalt or bitumen aggregate on road surface will begin to SOFTEN
 BM>   not 'MELT' until they hit a temperature of around 50° C (120°F).
 BM>   However, even on a sunny day in the 20° Cs (70°F) can be enough to
 BM>   generate 50° C on the ground as the dark asphalt road surface absorbs
 BM>   a lot of heat and this builds up during the day.
 DS>   That doesn't surprise me. Plus, for pets, it burns their paw
 DS> pads. Then, I have to wonder why folks want "black
 DS> vehicles"...the dark color absorbs the heat, and makes it even
 DS> hotter inside. If the car is closed up, I think it could get so
 DS> hot, that the windows would explode.

Yes for burning the pets' paws.  Not so sure about my first dog as I was
rather young and don't remember but my second dog I had as an adult and
remember a lot better.  Did take for walks but didn't force her to walk 
any place specific, so if she did get on a too-hot pavement or sidewalk 
she could decide to walk on the cooler grass.

 DS>   Yet, I thought asphalt was when you hit the tennis ball with
 DS> your butt. <G>
 BM> I thought it was constipation!
 DS>   That, too...but if you're consonated, you need a vowel
 DS> movement.

I wonder if "Wheel of Fortune" and any other word puzzle games have had  'dirty'
words come up accidentally.  Probably so, and I'd guess just not
show the board for a while.

 DS>   The X-Ray scanner likely will detect it...but I'd hate to have
 DS> to go in and remove it. :P
 BM> Me too, though some people don't seem to mind as much.  Suppose their
 BM> attitude is "it's a job, not a doody".  <rs!>
 DS>   Really...they must have a crappy outlook on life.

Though for some that creates their paycheck, so they should be happy.

 DS>   Seems we've gone down this road looks familiar. :P
So it's a deja view!

 BM> Which reminds me, did those rats finally move out and leave you alone?
 DS>   Nope. Found one caught on a glue board on Wednesday, trying to
 DS> get off. But, the glue is so strong, that he didn't have a
 DS> chance. Thankfully, the bug man from Terminix was here, and I
 DS> gave him a bag and portable gloves to take the glue board and the
 DS> dying rat to his demise. They likely are looking for food and
 DS> water, but I don't have any food out in the open, and they
 DS> apparently got in through the plumbing, so there's no water in
 DS> that toilet.

Darn.  Was sort of hoping they all moved out.  Assuming the plumbing 
entry is the sewer line as the hot and cold water lines would seem to be
too narrow, though the critters can squeeze through narrow openings.

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... Odd but real holidays: June 10: Don't Step on a Bee Day in Pennsylvania
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