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Subject: Finances Date: Mon Jul 20 2020 09:11 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> I suppose "money talks" and airing political ads is an easy way for
 BM> them (or any broadcaster) to get an income.  As 'only' doing off the
 BM> air (OTA) stations here rarely see cable/satellite but have noticed
 BM> political ads are starting to become more frequent; seems like we just
 BM> go over the barrage.
 DS>   Money talks...mine waves "good-bye". :P The mudslinging gets
 DS> worse each year. The party out of power will do all they can to
 DS> wrest it back from the party in power...a never ending vicious
 DS> cycle.

I've noticed some of the 'anti-ads' (mainly against the opponent) have
brought up items done years ago but the voiceover makes it sound like
something done recently. ...And as usual we end up choosing the lesser 
of the two evils.

 BM> Plus less opportunity for contact with the coronavirus.
 DS>   Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed an Executive Order,
 DS> that requires masks in public, with very limited exceptions. But,
 DS> like so many that feel that "rules are made to be broken",
 DS> they'll ignore it. While no one likes being told "what to do",
 DS> there are such things as "smartness" and "common sense"...but,
 DS> both seem to have gone the way of the dinosaur.

Some people just plain don't like being told what to do and will do the
opposite even if bad for them in the long run.  At this point Iowa isn't
requiring face masks in general public, there are requirements for 
certain businesses.  At this point I don't wear a mask unless need to 
but if the state or county issues an order I will comply -- figuring they
know something I don't.

 BM> noticed some blood when brushing my teeth a week before while in
 BM> Vienna, and that molar had a rather large filling in it -- inside cusp just
 BM> broke off.
 DS>   Ouch.

Fortunately no ouch other than the sharpness of the tooth on the tongue.
'Ouch' for general tooth damage, yes. :)  And what was sort of funny was
my dentist's son had graduated from dental college and joined the
practice so I was one of his first patients.  Poor guy had a bit of 
'trial by fire' as I have a gag reflex, the molar is in the back 
(obviously) where things are a little more sensitive, so the working 
back there, plus trying to install and keep the filling ring device back
there...  That did not work so Plan B -- filling done. Not going to win 
any awards for being pretty but we got the job done.

 BM> My wife is so ugly a cannibal took one look at her and ordered salad.
 DS> ... Cannibals eat missionaries to get a taste of religion.
 BM> Not bad!
 DS>   Thank you. Tagline thievery is both an art and science. <G>

As well as a touch of humour/sarcasm.

 BM> ... Cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny.
 DS>   And, a cannibal may be full of...never mind. :P

"Toot toot!" <g>

                         »                     «
                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «
                         »                     «
                         »  (Humans know what  «
                         »     to remove.)     «

... A royal Egyptian passing gas is a toot uncommon.
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