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Subject: FE 1.46pl1 Error Date: Sat Dec 30 2017 06:14 pm
From: robert wolfe To: All

Hi all!

Installed the OS/2 version of FastEcho and updated it.  I copied all of the
DLL files to \OS2\DLL (running ArcaOS 5.0.1 Professional) and when I run
FESETUP2.EXE, I get the following error:

Error Initializing Message Subsystem!!
Exiting with error code 64

I have never previously gotten this error message when I had the software
installed before, but now for the life of me I cannot figure out what is causing
this error.

Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A37 2017/12/28 (Windows/32)
 * Origin: How about a piece of Pi? (1:116/18)

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Replies: FE 1.46pl1 Error (Paul Quinn)FE 1.46pl1 Error (Tommi Koivula)