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Subject: Graphic Novel Date: Wed Nov 18 2020 07:36 pm
From: Charles Pierson To: August Abolins

Hello, August Abolins.
On 11/18/20 6:33 PM you wrote:

 AA> Hello Charles! ** On Wednesday 18.11.20 - 10:52, Charles Pierson 
 AA> wrote to August Abolins:
 AA>>> The F*ck to Sleep books (there are about 3 titles now) are 
 AA>>> resonable sellers, but for a rather short (few pages) they are a 
 AA>>> tad pricey IMHO.
 CP>> I believe it. But if people are willing to pay it, why not?
 AA> The reality is, that people are often NOT willing to pay full   
 AA> price. The spontaneous discounts that the a four-letter places   
 AA> apply attests to that; they can't rid of those books unless   they 
 AA> are discounted.

Then they either learn better pricing, or hold too much inventory.
 CP>>>>  Amazon    Apple Books    Google    Kobo      
 AA>>> Those are all four-letter words in my world.
 CP>> Convenient isn't 4 letters. ;)
 AA> You must be reading a foreign dictionary!   :O People are welcome 
 AA> to email or call my shop at anytime and I   can order what is 
 AA> required. I could even field emails   overnight. I could be 
 AA> persuaded to even use Telegram.  ;)

I was joking of course.  I PREFER local shops when available, but you've seen
yourself an idea of especially with bookshops, that is near me.

Best regards!
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