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Subject: I don't think you can have read-only members in a telegram group Date: Sun Nov 15 2020 06:40 pm
From: Richard Miles To: August Abolins

On 15 Nov 2020, August Abolins said the following...
 AA> I don't see a mute user option.  Are you using a special bot  
 AA> to manage a group or users?

Don't remember if I mentioned it in my message from the TG side a few minutes
ago but I am currently using the Miss Rose bot in my BBS group.

                                                 -=>Richard Miles<=-
                                                -=>Captain Obvious<=-

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In Reply To: I don't think you can have read-only members in a telegram group (August Abolins)
Replies: I don't think you can have read-only members in a telegram group (August Abolins)I don't think you can have read-only members in a telegram group (Alan Beck)