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Subject: artware and husky Date: Wed Jul 01 2015 11:15 am
From: Gary DeMontigny To: mark lewis

Hello mark!

Wednesday July 01 2015 10:12, you wrote to all:

 ml> i've just pulled the latest artware svn repos and compiled them on
 ml> ubuntu 14.04 by following the instructions given in a previous
 ml> message... now i'm trying to figure out how to have timed (at least)
 ml> read the husky fidoconfig... i don't find a keyword like HUSKYCFG
 ml> which would do the same as FASTECHOCFG, FMAILCFG, GECHOCFG, SQUISHCFG,

I did the same. Would the the husky utility fconf2squish work?


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