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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1011 August 4 2015 Date: Tue Aug 04 2015 12:45 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

4. This Week's Stories and Requests for Help We try to post stories and
comments from our readers each week. Send your story to and 
we'll publish it in an upcoming newsletter.  Please share your story about what 
you collect and what got you started collecting.  We *love* to hear your
stories!  If you have a story you'd like to share, tell us about it and if you
have any photos, we'd love to see them!  Send us an email to so we can share your story with the rest of our readers.

Remember that you can check out our Facebook page for some interesting updates. 
 Here's the link:

If you have photos of items you would like to share you can post them there as
well.  You don't need a Facebook account to visit our page. If you do have a
facebook account please "Like" us!

Also, everyday, we post a "This Date In History" story on our Facebook page,
along with an item for sale on that relates to the event.
We're also highlighting one item each day that we find particularly interesting 
- something that's very unusual!  Check it out!

Thanks to those of you who have responded in the past! We really enjoy, and
appreciate, the feedback!

It's always fun to see what other people own and treasure! Although we can't
put the pictures in this newsletter, please visit our Facebook page to view the 
images and learn about those items.

Please let us know if you'd like us to highlight one of your favorite
Here's a note from a customer looking for a key for a secretary. Any

"The pictures attached are of a Willett Wildwood Cherry Secretary that I
recently purchased at an Estate Sale.  I am looking for a key that will allow
me to use the key to open the top of the secretary without using my fingers on
the corners.  I do not care if it locks, I just want to be able to turn the key 
so that it stays in the lock and I can "pull" on it to open the desk top.

The first picture is of the label on the inside of the top drawer. The second
picture is of the secretary itself and the third picture is of the lock.

If you need additional information, please let me know.

Thank you for helping me to find a key to fit this desk.

Vicki S"

You can view the pictures here:

A reader is looking for the mate for a broken statue:

"I don't know how to describe it very well but it is 12" tall by 6" wide.
Light green or pea green and a light grey base.  It appears Asian of some sort
and made out of clay.  The marking is marked in clay I guess underneath the
base.  It comes with a partner that broke and I am looking to replace it or at
least identify it.  Any help is greatly appreciated." You can view the pictures 

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