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Subject: Announcing timEd 1.12! Date: Mon Feb 26 2018 09:47 pm
From: andrew clarke To: Alan Ianson

On Sun 2018-02-25 21:28, Alan Ianson (1:153/757) wrote to andrew clarke:

 AC>> Over the past couple of months I've spent considerable free time
 AC>> working on rebuilding the original timEd sources using OpenWatcom 
 AC>> 1.9 and getting it to a point where it can be released as a new 
 AC>> version.

 AI> That is very good news andrew, thank you for your work on this.

It's good to see there's still some interest.

Getting Gerard's original code working (and not the UNIX port, which I didn't
initiate but later became the maintainer of) is something I started working on
years ago but abandoned because I kept hitting roadblocks.

This time around I took a fresh approach and it's been working well.

Oddly, I've had a few years break from doing pretty much any coding at all,
which may have helped in a strange way.

It was a nice feeling finishing off the NT port! Gerard actually had most of
the Windows code written but some of it wasn't working correctly. For any
coders reading this, most of that was down to structure misalignment. 

 AC>> The source code to this release is available on GitHub:


 AI> I will be there shortly!

 AI> -+- SBBSecho 3.03-Linux
 AI>  + Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC 
 AI> (1:153/757)

Going by your tearline I'm assuming you're running Linux.

I haven't tested it but the Windows version of timEd should work well under
WINE, although console apps in WINE don't look the best and I'm not sure the
user has any control over what display font it uses.

In any case today I began porting the original code to BSD & Linux, without the 
XMSGAPI dependency that the old UNIX port had. This will mean the BSD & Linux
version will finally support Hudson, JAM, Squish and *.MSG. Stay tuned. :)

--- timEd/NT 1.31.g2+
 * Origin: timEd Development HQ (3:633/267.1)

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