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Subject: Question Date: Sun Nov 25 2018 10:18 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Torsten Bamberg

Hello Torsten,

25 Nov 18 21:00 at you wrote to Joe Schweier:

 TB> Well, the date.exe command on arcaos/ecomstation is very special.

The "date" command in the 16-bit CMD.EXE in OS/2 can't display the date only
but has a prompt to change the date.  The date command in eCS/ArcaOS is based
on the GNU 'date' command which will do what Joe's wanting.  Or, instead of
screwing around with batch commands, run a single REXX command which will do
what he wants.  One of the best parts of OS/2 is REXX. :)


... Hold a true friend with both your hands. - Nigerian proverb
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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)

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