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Subject: Re: Glare Filter for TV Date: Mon Oct 05 2020 06:29 pm
From: August Abolins To: Barry Martin

On 8/17/2020 11:14 AM, between "Barry Martin":
 BM> Hi Folks!

 BM> Anyone have suggestions for a glare filter for a 40" TV? Had
 BM> to get a new television and this one has a shiny display and
 BM> so the room lights and sunshine from the windows reflect.

 BM> Have done some preliminary checking: not so sure about the
 BM> film options as wary of bubbles -- possibly prick with a pin
 BM> to let the air out but.... Saw one by Eyes PC (Model BLP45-
 BM> 40T) which hangs in front of the screen, but only mentioned
 BM> blue light filter; didn't mention anti-glare.

Did you solve the glare problem?  My set rests at about eye-level when seated,
therefore no ceiling lights affect it.  There is a side-table lamp I like to
use, but the TV is not angle enough in that direction to reflect it from my
seating location to the right. However, the lamp *does* produce a glare if
someone else were seated to the left. 

Maybe tilt the TV downwards a bit?
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