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Subject: MUFFIN Echo Rules Date: Fri May 01 2015 12:00 am
From: Moderator To: All

 Conference rules for the MUFFIN echo:                    rev. 29 May 14
 Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.

 MUFFIN - The Maximus Support Echo
 Moderator - mark lewis, 1:3634/12

  1. This echo is for Maximus BBS software support and discussion.
     Messages posted here should pertain to Maximus and related
     utilities. MEX/MECCA script discussions are also welcome.
     Discussions that lean more toward Squish should be continued in
     the TUB echo.

  2. English is the official language allowed in this echo. However,
     a message in your native tongue is allowed as long as there is
     an English translation in the same message. If you must, at least
     use google translate to provide the English translation.

  3. Please use your real name when posting here. If you aren't sure,
     check your birth certificate.

  4. This echo is restricted to sysops (or soon to be sysops) only.

  5. When someone posts a message requesting help, please try to be as
     helpful and accurate as possible.

  6. No BBS ads, 'test' messages, "where are you from" chains, replies
     to off-topic messages, encrypted messages, PGP sigs, multiline
     sigs or taglines, playing moderator (unless you -are- the
     moderator), hi-ascii/ascii "artwork" (we really -don't- care to
     see it), uuencoded files, or huge amounts of over-quoting.

     "high-bit" ASCII characters are permitted ONLY in the context of
     demonstrating something directly related to Maximus or a related
     util. Other uses are not allowed. ANSI is -never- allowed.

     If a program (reader, tagline mgr, etc.) is adding a lot of extra
     junk to messages, please don't use it here. The moderator will
     decide what's "extra junk", and let you know.
     "Internet-style" signatures are -greatly- unwelcome, as well as
     listing every email account or FTN-type address you have. Leave it
     out, please. One -short- line is an "acceptable" signature.

     "OS Bashing" is not welcome here. Don't do it. Period. This also
     means, leave your cutesy "OS put-down" tag/origin lines out of
     this echo. Grow up, ok?

     Please, do not use a "shotgun" approach to posting, cc'ing a
     message to all Maximus-related echoes. Pick the one echo that
     applies to your topic, and post the message only in that one.

  7. Please, limit quoting in your replies. If you're quoting more than
     a couple lines, you're probably quoting too much. Never quote tag/
     tear/origin lines unless they pertain to the support being given.

  8. Rules of Common Courtesy apply at -all- times. If you want to argue
     with, or complain to someone, do it elsewhere. Play nice!

  9. File announcements are allowed by authors of utilities directly
     related to the topic of this echo. You are also encouraged to help
     others find programs they may need. When doing so, please include
     filenames, and what restrictions (if any) you have on file requests.
     In the case of files via HTTP or FTP, *try* to include the URL (and
     directory if needed) of the file as well.

 10. This echo may not be gated (in or out) to any other network, without
     prior permission of the moderator. Authorized gates will be published
     in the ELIST*.* listing for this echo.

 Changes will be made to this list as needed. Your input is welcome via
 netmail. Arguing about moderator decisions/rules is not welcome in the
 echo... Again, please use netmail.

 Thanks for using the MUFFIN echo!

 Mark Lewis, 1:3634/12

 Conference Moderator

* Origin: (1:3634/12)

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